FlyDroneSafe Logo

“Do not let yourself be forced into doing anything before you are ready.” – Wilbur Wright
About Us

FlyDroneSafe is a WINGsReality EDU educational initiative to assist all flyers of model aircraft, regardless of your background, age, or experience level.  We are here to support you and advocate for you.  We deliver your program from a very unique and honest perspective, and with decades of experience in training students in all walks of aviation.  Our mission is to give you the tools you need to be the best, safest, and most knowledgeable model flyer you can be.

Who Are We?

WINGsReality EDU has long provided the best aviation training experience possible, while making it fun, rewarding, and affordable for flyers throughout the world.  We are made up of the most talented and experienced educators and creators in the aviation community.  The underlying focus of everything we do is to maximize support of, and enable a strong and safe aviation community for everyone.